River Water Quality Issues Including Blue Green Algae Blooms

Many households in in Australia and New Zealand draw directly off rivers and channels and use the water throughout the home. Unfortunately, as those households well know, the water generally contains suspended solids, high levels of organics or tannin’s, some chemicals and undesirable taste and odours.

River water quality also varies a lot particularly at times of high rainfall or when there is drought but also changes with the seasons every year. Periodically there is blooms of blue green algae (BGA) especially during the warmer summer months which is a toxic substance if and when consumed by humans or animals.

This makes that water at best very unpleasant to use in the home, reduces the life of any appliances that use water and is unsafe because of the bacteria. To these households filtration is a must, however the solutions have been few, expensive and often ineffective. They have been forced to truck the water in or rely on rainwater despite the plentiful supply of water right at their back door!

The Solution to these River water quality issues

While there is still no ‘silver bullet’ for home owners drawing directly off river water especially when there is blue green algae blooms, Puretec’s large dealer network across Australia and New Zealand has provided a unique insight into many river situations and over a number of years have gained invaluable experience in what is effective and affordable.

Puretec has developed some simple solutions that can make a remarkable positive difference to the water quality at a relatively low cost. This includes tank treatment with Tanksafe, backwashable and cartridge style sediment filtration systemscarbon filters and ultraviolet disinfection systems. Puretec will provide a customised solution for you – feel free to call us for free advice.

For further information please click on the link below and/or contact us.

Puretec Rainwater Tank Purifier
Back washable Sediment Filtration Systems
Carbon Filtration SystemsHigh Flow Whole House UV Water Treatment System